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Our Policy

Integrity Commitments




       The New Body Project is NOT your typical gym, in fact - we're not a gym!


  We're a Fitness & Wellness Bootcamp that leads with love, integrity, commitment and community.


In our Bootcamp we make it a priority to be very transparent about the expectations set forth for both the community and staff. 


We require that ALL members abide be these rules in order to be apart of our Sisterhood:.



  • COMMIT so that you achieve and sustain your fitness goals; the body only achieves what the mind believes.


The New Body Project offers Group Training with a Personal Trainers touch therefore:



  • TWO or more members MUST BE reserved in order for a class to be held.

                If there is ONE member is reserved- CLASS WILL BE CANCELLED.

 (Finding an accountability partner is highly encouraged through our PRIVATE WHATSAPP GROUP.)


We certainly understand that life happens, and sometimes you are late. But as a business, we must be mindful of how being late impacts the community experience for both members and Trainers. If you are new to our community, we ask that you arrive at least 10 minutes before class. Doors will open 15 minutes before class begins. Again, latecomers WILL NOT be permitted to join class.

            Due to the layout and orientation of the space, it is disruptive and distracting.

  • ARRIVE 10 MINUTES EARLY. Classes begin ON-TIME, late arrivals are ABSOLUTELY NOT ACCEPTED.

   Our belief is “To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is unacceptable."


Reserving & canceling your spot is crucial as it confirms a Trainer will be present.


  • Members have 6 hours to RESERVE or CANCEL the reservation in the booking app.

  • Failure to do so may result in classes being full, denial of access, arriving to an empty facility or a NO-SHOW FEE.


  • NO SHOWS / LATE CANCELLATIONS are essentially the same act in our book. These actions will result in a $25 fee for that day. Be sure to cancel your reservation 6 hours prior to the class start time, as the booking platform will automatically apply the charge within 24hrs of not being marked present for class.



Members on the 21 Day Jumpstart will follow the exact guidelines stated above. 

By deciding to join the 21 Day Jumpstart you've made a commitment to show up and be the best version of yourself. You made a commitment to attend classes and to put yourself first! 


And in turn our team has made the commitment to provide you with an amazing community and the trainings you've entrusted us to deliver. We are not a big box gym.

                                    WE CARE IF YOU DON'T SHOW UP. 

                 At The New Body Project we do not want your No/Show Fees.

                                           WE TRULY WANT YOU!

  • If a trial member receives 3 or more NO-SHOW FEES during their term that member will have 2 choices.  

  1.  IF JOINING FULL-TIME IS YOUR DESIRE; you’ll be asked to repeat the 21 Day Jumpstart at full price before being eligible to commit to a full term membership. 

  2.  You will be DENIED the opportunity of joining the community.​ 

And please take note that this is not goodbye; maybe it just wasn't a good time... but this is simply the opportunity for you to take the time you need for yourself.  Again we don't feel good about taking your No-Show Fees, it's not our vibe so when you're ready for us to commit to each other again. We will welcome you with open arms. 


  • MEMBERSHIP HOLDS are available for 6-month commitment ONLY. Holds can be placed for a maximum of 1 month, with a hold fee of $50 per month.  

                                          Memberships will be extended by the time paused.

  • ALL 6 Month membership auto-renew unless a 30 day notice prior to the last billing cycle is received. 

  • MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATIONS are possible at any time with an early termination fee. The fee is one month dues.


Joining & participating in our Private WhatsApp Group Chat is OPTIONAL but highly encouraged as this is where you‘ll receive updates about the community and cancellations.



We ask that ALL members respect these policies to preserve the integrity of our class & community experience.




Contact Us

If you have any questions about this the Policies and Integrity Commitments please contact us at




Last updated: February 3, 2024.

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